Sunday, September 6, 2009

American Studies Homework: September 7 - 11

For classes meeting Tuesday and Wednesday:

1) Blog Reading for Learning: To see other international school teachers and student blogs, do Google Blog search ( using the following “shanghai american school”. Look to search for your interests, hobbies, etc. You are to find at least one blog that you like and add it to your blog roll. Be ready in class to share what you learned from doing your search and which blog you added to your blog roll.

2) Why Study History?: You are to analyze the following sources that discuss the value of studying history. Write a blog post summarizing which reasons make the most sense to you giving your reasons. Focus on how history affects society as a whole and you as an individual. Offer one example of how history has affected you.

Site 1  Scroll down to the heading “History: What is it good for?”. I do challenge you to read all the information on this page, though. :)

Site 2  This is a long article with some challenging words. However, I think you will get a lot from reading it.

3) Continue to share this blog with your parents! And when you are ready, share your blog with them as well. :)

4) Gmail Contact List and Parent’s Email: Use emails sent from Mr. Carpenter to start building out your History class contact list. You will need it for the remainder of the year to send emails and to share Google Docs. Also, you are to send Mr. Carpenter an email where you write the name and email address of the parent who he should contact concerning school issues.

For classes meeting Thursday and Friday:

History Reading: America Pathways book students are to read pages 11-12, 14-18. A History of the United States book students are to read pages 26-38. Come to class ready to answer the questions “What were the positive effects of colonization of the Americas? Who benefitted and how? What were the negative effects? Who felt the negative effects the most?” Take notes as you read whether in your laptop or on paper. Write a blog post about where and how you see the effects of colonization here in Morocco. Talk to your parents for insights. Be prepared to add to the class discussion on this question about the effects of colonization. We will start class off with a quiz about your reading. Be prepared.

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