Saturday, February 13, 2010

Week in Review: February 8-12

American Studies: We made connections this week with globalization and its ESPRAT+G effects. As we are reviewing the chapter and the students are creating their study guides, they are seeing how change is a constant in our "flat" world. There will be a test this week followed by an lesson on using documents and questions to learn more about why Americans in the latter part of the 1800s were moving to cities in much larger numbers than before.

IB History: We now moving into the single political party phase of our study of China. Students will hopefully be making comparisons on their own to Stalin and Hitler as they read further about Mao Zedong. With a few project grades coming up, it is imperative that the seniors are doing their reading for each class while also putting in time for their projects.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week in Review: February 1-5

American Studies: The business plans are now posted for our 21st century entrepreneurs making a connection to the 19th century business tycoons we are studying. Do go to the blogs of our 9th graders and leave a comment or two about their ideas.

We are now moving into the "reaction" phase of the Gilded Age with labor unions working to stand up for the rights of their members. Be ready for your child to ask about the nature of unions in Morocco or your home country. 

IB History: With several projects including the IA Historical Investigation coming up, it is imperative that your seniors plan ahead and work proactively. We have had a light two weeks of homework with two nights specifically set aside for them to work on their IAs. Do sit down and go through the upcoming projects listed in the China Learning Pursuit site. They really will help your child gain understanding about the nature of war and single party states in China as we prepare for the unit exam in March. Waiting to the last minute to write the IA and to do project work means less understanding and lower assessment scores.