Sunday, September 6, 2009

IB History Homework: September 7 - 11

Note that we will use this blog to post homework until the school starts using Edline in a few weeks. Remember the homework is due the following class meeting date and if digital, it is due by 5:30 am.

For classes meeting Tuesday and Wednesday:

Special Note: To receive credit for setting up your Gmail and Google Docs you must send me an email and share your Paper 1 and Ch. 11 Outline with me by 8:30 am Tuesday if you are in the HL class and by 8:30 AM on Wednesday if you are in the SL class. If you only have a paper copy of your summer homework and/or tried to share them via Google Docs but could not, then bring in paper copies by the deadline. If you have not sent Mr. C your Gmail address, you are already falling behind in receiving important resource materials.

1) Research your assigned question using all available resources going beyond what was provided in the book. Start with your Chapter 11 outlines and today’s presentations but then go on to use all the resources that you can find. Follow the guidance of your table leader to collaborate using your Google Document. Don’t forget that we have a library to do research!

Use the following guidelines that were presented in class:

-A team leader will be chosen for each table. 

-Each table will create one Google Doc to share between themselves and Mr. Carpenter. The team leader will do this.
-The leader will guide the team to come up with a plan for researching to find answers to the assigned question.
-Each team member records his/her research into a Word doc and then pastes it into an open section of your Google Doc. Set a deadline the night before this is due so the team leader (or whomever has a laptop) can then go into the Goo Doc and export it into Word to bring to school to work on in class. 
-In our next class meeting, your teams will be given time to review their research to prepare a presentation to the class answering their assigned question. You will be teaching the class so be creative in helping us learn!
-The final Word document is to be copied to the team’s Google Doc replacing the previous information. The team leader is to share the document with the other four team leaders who will share it with their teams.

Table Assignments:

T1- Why did the League of Nations fail? (Extra Challenge: In what ways was the League not a failure?)
T2- To what extent did the isolation of Russia and the US contribute to the collapse of the new international order?
T3- Why is it difficult to objectively reflect on the appeasement policy of Prime Minister Chamberlain?
T4-What consequences can a nation-state employ when another country is ignoring international condemnation?
T5-How significant was the role of nationalism after WWI and to what extend did it contribute to WWII?

Note: Mr. Carpenter will be emailing you some articles to read to help you do your research so check your Gmail accounts!

2) Gmail Contact List and Parent’s Email: Use emails sent from Mr. Carpenter to start building out your IB History contact list. You will need it for the remainder of the year to send emails and to share Google Docs. Also, you are to send Mr. Carpenter an email where you write the name and email address of the parent who he should contact concerning school issues.

3) Continue to share this blog with your parents. Help them understand what you are working on!

For classes meeting Thursday and Friday:

1) Make sure that your computer either has a built in microphone or that you have one to plug in. Secondly, you will need voice recording software. On the Mac you can use GarageBand or Audacity and on Windows machines you can use Audacity or maybe you have built in software. You will be using voice recording throughout the year so make sure you are ready to record. 

2) Team Leaders from today: The final Word document of your presentation is to be copied to the team’s Google Doc replacing the previous information. The team leader is to share the document with the other four team leaders who will share it with their teams. Once you receive the Google Docs from the other teams, share it with your team members.

3) Trading History Cards: You are to research and write down on small index style cards information about the following topics. Some have been covered in your presentations so this will be review. Try to find paper that is a little thicker than regular paper. On one side you write the topic in large letters and on the other side you are to answer the following key questions: What/Who?, When?, Why Important? and Any Connections to other key topics, events, or persons? Your cards cannot be any larger than 9 cm by 9 cm. Do include a drawing, map, etc. if you can. :) 

We will have a little competition in class to see whose specific cards you would like to trade for the most. Each student/player will have to ask for and review a trading card from as many classmates as possible on all the topics listed below. When we meet and have our trading session, each student will be allowed to ask for 7 cards in total from other players. You will also write down on your personal scorecard how well you know each topic and who has the best card for each topic. We will count how many requests the top players have at the end of the game. 

Wilson's 14 Points

Collective Security
Conflicts: Abyssinia, Manchuria, Spanish Civil War
World Disarmament Conference
Ruhr Occupation
Germany's rearmament
Locarno Pact
Washington Conference
Kellog-Briand Pact
Litvinov’s Pact
Dawes Plan
Great Depression
Munich Conference
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Rome-Berlin Axis

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